Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Big changes in the Backyard

So, lots has been going on the past few weeks. We had to move out of the playroom, master bedroom and master bath. So the living room and garage are a wreck... We are sleeping in the living room that looks like this...

And the garage looks like this:

And the playroom looked like this- for a short while...

Empty bath

Empty master

Before we left we watched the workers pour the cement foundation early one sat morning.

And when we came back it looked like this!

And soon after there was a roof

And lots of mess...

And now they have broken through the inside walls. This is the old master bedroom, soon to be Huck's room.

And the playroom now. No more brick walls!

And the bathroom demo

The new bedroom!

The new bathroom!

We made the first set of choices. Here are the bathroom tiles. The large wood-looking tiles are ceramic tiles for the bathroom floor. The square sandy ones are for the shower walls and the mosaic will be the shower floor and accent on the shower walls.

So much fun!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Birthday Boy!

My sweet Huckelberry is 1! It seems the year flew by... well except for the first few months which feels like an eternity ago. What fun we are all having with you now.


You are full of smiles and laughs and think your big brother and big sister are very funny. You have been walking since you were about 10 months and are starting to climb onto and into things. You love to take objects out of something (like diapers out of their drawer) and put them into something (like into the bathtub.) We never know what we will find in a box, a shoe or drawer. You love to carry things around the house and have recently started pushing or pulling large things around. You love to push buttons- elevator buttons, light switches and buttons on toys- are some favorites. You dance by bobbing your head up and down- pretty cute! Oh yeah, and you love to empty out the kitchen cabinet with storage containers.


At your 1 year check-up you weighed 23 pounds and were 30 inches tall. You eat baby food and a few table foods. You like Cheerios, puffs and bread crusts. You are still nursing quite a bit. About every 4 hours if Mom is home with you during the day and a couple of times at night. You have decided that you are not interested in bottles from Daddy while Mommy is at work. You are learning to use a sippy cup and love to drink water from an open cup- and you LOVE to steal your big sister's nighttime water cup!


Or not... You are sleeping in bed with Mommy and Daddy still. We put up your crib a few days ago but so far you think it is Baby Prison. Naps are semi-regular. You are moving more towards 1 nap a day and that is usually around 11:00 in the morning. You will fall asleep in the car and stay asleep even when Mommy turns the car off, but you won't stay asleep if we try to move you into the house.


You are babbling like crazy. You say "da" for yes. You say mamama and dadada but don't really use them purposefully. You point to what you want and scream for what you want.

We celebrated your birthday a few days late because we came home from Hank's Open on your real birthday. We tricked the big kids into thinking we were all eating baby food for dinner! It was pretty funny! You really were not interested in your cupcake. You really didn't want to touch it none the less eat it. You did lick some frosting off Duchess's finger, though.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy! We love you very much!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Break and Walls!

We have returned from the annual Hank's Open Tournament in Arizona. This year it nicely coincided with Spring Break so we made a family vacation out of it. We left for Arizona on Wednesday because plane tickets were so much cheaper then. We flew to Phoenix after school and spent the night in a hotel just outside of town. The next morning we started on our way to Yuma.

We stopped along the way to see some petroglyphs at Painted Rock. Pretty cool. Bubba found some basalt (igneous rock) for a school lesson and Cub Scouts belt loop.

We headed on to Grandpa's in Yuma where we met up with Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Nancy, cousins Jacob and Sara, Aunt Katy, Aunt Mart and Uncle Ron and cousin Tori. The weekend was fun- the men played some golf, the kids did some swimming, we made s'mores, played some Farkle, had a kids Wii bowling contest, took a desert hike and found more rocks, played mini golf, Huck ate some rocks... The Hubby was the winner of Hank's Open- his fifth win out of 9 years.

(Sorry the pics are all out of order, but Blogger is making uploading pictures annoyingly difficult so I'm not even going to try to fix it...)

Wii bowling trophies!

Fun Times with Aunt Nancy

Sara braiding the Hubby's beard

The kids serving drinks to the golfers

Tips! Bubba got $5!

Hiking Muggins Mountain

Farkle playing

We headed back to Phoenix on Tuesday and went to a Dodgers Spring Training game. It was a beautiful day and everyone got Dodgers gear to cheer on Daddy's favorite team. We found a hotel, did a little more swimming and went out to dinner. We headed home the next day. All the kids did well. We really didn't have any major meltdowns from the big kids- and only a few from the baby.

One tired cheerleader!

Someone famous...

Speaking of the baby, I guess I can't really call him a baby anymore because we celebrated his first birthday! A birthday post will come soon...

We got home to find that our addition has walls! and floors! The framing has been done and now you can really see the size better. We can stand in the bathroom and know where the shower will be and where the sinks will be. So exciting! More update to come soon.

Now... to get everyone back into a routine of regular mealtimes and bedtimes. Good thing we have a few days before school starts again!