We have returned from the annual Hank's Open Tournament in Arizona. This year it nicely coincided with Spring Break so we made a family vacation out of it. We left for Arizona on Wednesday because plane tickets were so much cheaper then. We flew to Phoenix after school and spent the night in a hotel just outside of town. The next morning we started on our way to Yuma.
We stopped along the way to see some
petroglyphs at Painted Rock. Pretty cool.
Bubba found some basalt (igneous rock) for a school lesson and Cub Scouts belt loop.

We headed on to Grandpa's in Yuma where we met up with Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Nancy, cousins Jacob and Sara, Aunt Katy, Aunt Mart and Uncle Ron and cousin Tori. The weekend was fun- the men played some golf, the kids did some swimming, we made
s'mores, played some
Farkle, had a kids
Wii bowling contest, took a desert hike and found more rocks, played mini golf, Huck ate some rocks... The Hubby was the winner of Hank's Open- his fifth win out of 9 years.
(Sorry the pics are all out of order, but Blogger is making uploading pictures annoyingly difficult so I'm not even going to try to fix it...)

Wii bowling trophies!

Fun Times with Aunt Nancy

Sara braiding the Hubby's beard

The kids serving drinks to the golfers

Bubba got $5!

Hiking Muggins Mountain
Farkle playing

We headed back to Phoenix on Tuesday and went to a Dodgers Spring Training game. It was a beautiful day and everyone got Dodgers gear to cheer on Daddy's favorite team. We found a hotel, did a little more swimming and went out to dinner. We headed home the next day. All the kids did well. We really didn't have any major meltdowns from the big kids- and only a few from the baby.

One tired cheerleader!

Someone famous...

Speaking of the baby, I guess I can't really call him a baby anymore because we celebrated his first birthday! A birthday post will come soon...

We got home to find that our addition has walls! and floors! The framing has been done and now you can really see the size better. We can stand in the bathroom and know where the shower will be and where the sinks will be. So exciting! More update to come soon.
Now... to get everyone back into a routine of regular mealtimes and bedtimes. Good thing we have a few days before school starts again!