Duchess: Mom, Kennedy and I changed our names at school today.
Mom: Oh really? What are your new names?
Duchess: Kennedy changed her name to Mickey Mouse.
Mom: And what is your new name?
Duchess: Pam
Huh? We don't know anyone named Pam as far as I know.
Duchess got to get a gumball after lunch for having good behavior in the restaurant. It is never really a good idea because they are too big for her mouth. She whined all the way to the car but it was impossible to understand what she was saying because she refused to swallow the spit or to open her mouth to speak. Once at the car I gave her a napkin and she spit out the gumball, but when I tried to throw it away she screamed "no!" I asked what she wanted me to do with it. Her reply? "I want you to chew it up so it is not hard and then give it back to me." Once again,HUH???
Big dance recital this coming weekend, pics to come!
No more SNS!!!!! We have not used the supplement for more than a week. We saw the lactation consultant last Monday and she thought he was doing great. The pediatrician agreed when we went in for his 2 month check up. Just in time as I go back to Children's tomorrow. He was almost 12 lbs and had grown 2 1/2 inches since birth. He continues to be a serious little guy. He often has a furrowed brow, BUT, he is smiling a bunch too. He smiles at me a lot and will smile at Bubba and Dad as long as he is not overstimulated. Smiling at the Duchess is less frequent as most of the time he sees her she is 2 inches away from his face. He is doing well at holding his head up as well. Last night he went 7 hours between feedings. Yeah for me!

Bubba has just 12 more days of school. He read me a book this morning and I still can't believe it sometimes. In just a few short weeks he is going to be 6! Sometimes I look at him and can't believe how big he is. But then I see him at school surrounded by the "big kids" and he still looks like my little guy. He was buying a toy (with Grandma dollars) at the store the other day. He had 10 ones and the total came to $8.54. I told him he needed to give the lady 9 dollars and he looked up at me and said with a twinkle in his eye, "That means I just have to take away one dollar." He is doing subtraction without even trying :-)

I am headed back to Children's tomorrow. The Hubby has done okay with Huck while I have been teaching but tomorrow will be the real test. The big kids both have school. I can't decide if that is a good thing or not. It is good because for most of the day he will only have Huck to worry about, but potentially bad because he will have to coordinate drop-offs and pick-ups and can't just hang around the house all day. Next week Huck and I will be going to Chicago. I am presenting at the Child Life conference. Grandma is coming up for one day to be smiled at by Huck and watch him while I present.
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