Big week for Bubba!
He lost his first tooth! For months (a year?) he has been asking when he would loose a tooth. I got the message that it was loose while I was in Chicago and thankfully it did not fall out until I got home. I'd have hated to miss that milestone! It was very un-dramatic. He bit his spoon at dinner and it hurt quite a bit. I looked at it, said it looked pretty loose to me and he reached in and pulled it out. Just like that! I'm not sure his feet touched the floor for the rest of the night. The Tooth Fairy came and left a $2 bill. There were lots of questions about her- How does she get in the house? Down the chimney? Through the front door? How does she carry all those teeth? Is "it" really a girl or could "it" be a boy? Luckily an "I don't know" was a good enough answer.

That First came just before the Last Day of School, so he was able to get his name up on the Tooth Chart. Apparently this is a Very Important Part of Kindergarten. He had a great year and has already mentioned several times that he "misses that old place." His words, seriously. He made some good friends and we met some great families. He got to celebrate his birthday at school along with all the other summer birthday kiddos. Another Very Important Part of Kindergarten.

We celebrated his 6th birthday by going to the new Legoland Discovery Center in Grapevine Mills Mall. I think he could live there and never get bored. Then, Once Again, we had his birthday party at the splash park. It was his choice and I am happy to do it. It is easy for me- just buy cupcakes, drinks, watermelon and sunblock and show up at he park. The kids run around, the grown-ups chat (and sweat), we sing Happy Birthday and have one happy little boy.

This week both kiddos started swimming lessons, Once Again, at the Y. It is almost like starting over since it has been 9 months since they have been in a pool. Bubba is doing well. Duchess, well, that remains to be seen. She would be happy to play on the steps, but I am not paying for her to play on the steps. There were many tears today, but she did well despite the wailing. She swam from one teacher to the other underwater for about 4 feet. She said she is ready to go back tomorrow.
Huck is doing great. He has little rolls and dimples on his arms and legs. He is sleeping well (knock on wood). He is often a bit fussy in the evening, but sitting on the front porch calms him quickly. Too bad for the stinking mosquitoes!

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