- She has officially made the switch from liking when she makes people laugh to not liking it when people laugh at her. She told me this morning at the breakfast table, with her eyes cast down and in a tiny little voice, Mommy, I don't like it when you laugh at me." Me: When did I laugh at you? Duch: Yesterday at lunch with Miss Erin. I don't even remember but obviously she did so we'll have to be more careful.
- Her drawings are looking more like what she says they are. She drew a robot that actually looked like a robot. And she can write a letter M.
- She is connecting what she watches on TV with her books. While watching Snow White, she had her story book of Snow White in her lap and turned the pages to match the picture with the movie.
- She cannot wait for her birthday! She has decided to have a Barbie party this year. We hear about her birthday plans every time she looks a the family calendar on the wall and sees pictures from last year's birthday.

New this week for Bubba:
- He lost another tooth! The tooth fairy came again last night. This one is right next to the other so he is missing the two middle bottom teeth. He was in the other room when he pulled it out. He came walking out to the family room and said "Uh,
Guys...look." And he smiled a bloody smile at us :-)
- He is swimming like a fish now. He is doing somersaults with help and is trying to do them alone. He swims underwater, jumps in by himself and is working on floating on his back without help. What a difference a few weeks make!

New this week for Huck:
- He rolled over from back to tummy for the first time on Sat July 2nd! And does it every time you put him down on his back. He's not crazy about being on his tummy but if you turn him over he rolls right back again.
- He has discovered his hands and feet and studies them quite intently. I've seen him hit himself in the face a few times when he was bringing them in for a closer look :-)
- He has been reaching for toys! It is not very coordinated yet, but he is getting better at it.
- He can sit in his Bumbo chair for short periods of time. His head control is getting better and better.
- He is definitely getting chunky! I have not weighed him since his 2 month visit, but you can see it on him. He has cute little chubby cheeks and big 'ol rolls on his thighs. The cloth diapers are getting a little small around the thighs. So good to see him filling out!

The whole family has been swimming a lot lately. We have been checking out various city pools in search of the best. So far the City of Richardson pools are the best. We went to a Dallas pool yesterday because it is close to us and and cheaper than the others. I was hopeful because it is at the rec center that is very nice and it has a very nice Sprayground/park. It was not as well maintained, there were not many chairs and I was very unimpressed by the lifeguards. I would not trust them to keep my kids safe at all. One sat in a lifeguard chair, one in the entrance booth and 5 sat in the shade talking to each other leaving 2 other lifeguard chairs empty. I think we'll stick with the Richardson pools where the lifeguards seem to be on top of things- I see them checking the pool water every hour, there are at least 2 lifeguards watching the pool at all times and they require a swim test for kids under 10 to go in the deep water, on the slide or off the diving board. Even though I am with them all the time they are in the water I just feel safer there.
I got my water sling and love it! Huck seems to like the water. As soon as I took him in the water yesterday I was surrounded by little Hispanic girls cooing over him and telling me about the babies at their house. He was not very impressed by the attention.

We had a family trip to the movies to see Cars 2. It was cute, but not as good as the first. About 20 minutes in Duchess turned to me and said she was ready to go home. I kept covering Huck's ears with a burp cloth- why do they have to have kids movies so loud???
On Friday we had a Child Life playdate. So much fun to have all of us "old" child lifers together again. We had 20 kids (and 1 on the way) between the 10 of us. We even managed to get some pictures of everyone- amazing!

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