Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
My Heart
Things this week that have made my heart swell with pride, joy, love and/or happiness:
- Bubba reading a chapter book in his bed, begging to keep the light on for just a few more minutes to finish the chapter.
- Huck's smile that lights up his face when he sees me first thing in the morning.
- Duchess helping me clean up saying she wanted to go slowly so she could spend more time with me.
- The Hubby talking about his hard work to straighten out the finances at work.
- Me "catching" a duplicate order that would have had a patient catheterized needlessly.
- Bubba participating in Cub Scouts even when he doesn't know many of the other kids yet.
- Huck learning to play "How big is Baby?" and throwing his hands up over his head with a great big smile.
- Duchess sharing a Christmas treat from school with Bubba without being asked.
I am blessed!
Friday, December 16, 2011
4 going on 14
A conversation in the car on the way to school:
Duchess: Mom, I have two boyfriends. And Chloe has one, too.
Mom: Really?
Duch: Chloe's boyfriend is Joe.
Mom: Who are your boyfriends?
Duch: Well, I had two boyfriends but then I broke up with one so now I only have one. Chloe has to be at school today. Because when we are on the playground Chloe and I have to play together so we can go find Ariff and I can get him back.
-pause while I envision my future-
Mom: What does it mean when you break up with a boyfriend?
Duch: I don't want to talk about that.
Mom: What does it mean to have a boyfriend?
Duch: I don't want to talk about that.
I think we are going to cancel the Disney Channel and only allow Backyardigans and Max and Ruby to be watched. Or just throw out the TV altogether...
Duchess: Mom, I have two boyfriends. And Chloe has one, too.
Mom: Really?
Duch: Chloe's boyfriend is Joe.
Mom: Who are your boyfriends?
Duch: Well, I had two boyfriends but then I broke up with one so now I only have one. Chloe has to be at school today. Because when we are on the playground Chloe and I have to play together so we can go find Ariff and I can get him back.
-pause while I envision my future-
Mom: What does it mean when you break up with a boyfriend?
Duch: I don't want to talk about that.
Mom: What does it mean to have a boyfriend?
Duch: I don't want to talk about that.
I think we are going to cancel the Disney Channel and only allow Backyardigans and Max and Ruby to be watched. Or just throw out the TV altogether...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Hucks Big Day!
Huck had a big day! First he had a visit with Santa. He thought about crying, but held it together in order to get a cute picture with Big Brother and Big Sis. It was his second visit- the first was earlier this week at The hubby's work. More on that later.
Huck has been crawling for awhile now, but he Army crawls on his tummy instead of up on his knees. He is pretty quick about it. While making diner tonight (does heating food up in the microwave count as "making dinner?") he came crawling into the kitchen up on his knees just like he has been doing it that way all along. And then he continued to crawl that way the rest of the night! Then after dinner he cruised his way down the coffee table! One of his favorite activities is to pull everything off the table and throw it on the floor. Big fun when you are almost 9 months!
Earlier this week Santa came to Daddy's work. And he brought his reindeer. If you brought a toy to donate you got your picture taken with Santa and the Reindeer.

The kids thought it was great. But in the car on the way home the conversation took an interesting turn.
Duchess: Mommy, I think Santa looked kinda like (Daddy's boss) Mr Al.
Bubba: Yeah, where did Mr Al go when Santa got there?
Duch: Because his skin was kinda dark and Mr Al's skin is kinda dark.
Bubba: Mr Al left and then like 10 minutes later Santa came.
Duch: And I don't think Santa has dark skin.
I just let them talk between the two of them and didn't say much. Bubba knew the Santa today wasn't the real Santa, but he told me that this Santa was one of Santa's helpers because the real Santa is busy making toys. It's a fine line to walk. I don't want to outright lie, but also don't want to kill the fun...

Duchess had her Christmas Sing-A-Long at school. Very sweet angels and shepards.
And some tree decorating pics.
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