Wednesday was a day I'd like to forget... BUT, I am going to put it into writing so that when the kids are teenagers and I am fondly looking back on how easy it was when they were little I can be reminded that parenting ALWAYS has it's hard moments.
It was a school day for Bubba and Duchess and Huck were home with me. The Hubby has started the weaning process of cigarettes (yay! we are proud of you!). During the day Duch had several moments that were rough. She was a bit congested and I thought she felt warm so I was chalking it up to her feeling a little under the weather.
The Hubby left for work around 5. Huk was sleeping. I went to the kitchen to start dinner. The kids were watching TV. Before making dinner I decided to get rid of some leftovers from the fridge. In the middle of that Huk woke up. Then I noticed the sink was not draining. Uggg. Called the Hubby who said call a plumber. I got under the sink to check the trap to see if I could clear the clog- nope! The clog was further out the pipe. But I did get all the water from the sink to drain into a bucket- and on the floor... and in the cabinet... and all over me. Gross left over tainted water. And Huck crawling all in it. I asked Bubba to help me watch him but he kept crawling to me. And crying. A lot. Wailing. Tears streaming down his face. Snot flowing freely. Nasty left over water all over his clothes. I asked Bubba for help again and was told "he's your baby you know" in a sarcastic voice. He got a serious LOOK for the attitude. Finally got the sink to a place that I could leave it. Thanks goodness for preservative laden microwave dinners because by this time there was no way I was cooking. Plus I had no water.
BUT during dinner it all got worse. Both big kids got up from the table for some reason and were asked to please sit back down. Duch wanted to get to her chair by climbing over Bubba. I said no, she still tried, I said no, she tried again, she was carried to her room. She cried, came out, she was taken back, she came out again, she was taken back again, she screamed, wailed, yelled. Came out again and crawled under the table to get to her chair. In my head I'm trying to decide if I should just let it go... But then, THEN, she looked over her shoulder at me and STUCK OUT HER TONGUE. She was hauled back to her room again. Huck almost falls out of his high chair. I sit down in my chair and act like I can't hear a thing around me. Duch comes and says sorry. She is over it in about 2 minutes. It takes a little longer for me to get over it...
So after dinner I am ready for everyone to go to bed. Duch refuses to put on her PJs. Fine, I'm not going to struggle with that one tonight. She wants to sleep in her sleeping bag in the hall. Fine, I don't really care at this point. But she puts her sleeping bag and pillow in the middle of the doorway to the family room. I tell her she needs to move it down closer to her door. "No" she says. "Yes" I say. "No." So I pick up her pillow and sleeping bag and throw them into her room and inform her she has lost the opportunity to sleep in the hall. Much crying, begging, and struggling ensued until finally she settled down and went to sleep. I went in to tuck Bubba in and apologized for the scene. He said "I know it is frustrating, Mom. You're having a tough night. I have those sometimes, too." Sweet boy. Makes up for the earlier comment and not helping with the baby. And miraculously Huck went to sleep with out a peep or a cry. I crashed on the couch, watched a little HGTV and went to bed at 9:00.
And now you know why I want to forget it! Luckily those days a few and far between! But you have my permission to remind me in the future that it wasn't all tea parties and Lego building!
I have a theory that without days like this (and WHY does it seem that there is ALWAYS faulty plumbing involved?? WHY??) we couldn't enjoy the good days quite as deeply. I'm so glad you made it through! I love that J was empathetic enough to see how hard it was for you. That is an awesome trait.