Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Fun

Easter was fun although different this year. I had to work at Children's to help with the Easter special events so I was not able to be home much. We did get up bright and early for an egg hunt. The big kids had fun but Huck really didn't care a bit about his basket or eggs. He just wanted to drag the newspaper around the front yard. The weekend before we went to a neighborhood egg hunt- which was over in about 2 minutes flat. I was unsuccessful in getting a picture of all three of them together. I was too tired to make dinner by the time I got home from work on Sunday so the Hubby and I were discussing our options. Duch suggested going out, preferably to an Easter restaurant. We asked what kind of restaurant that was and she said "IHOP." We both were trying to figure out how that was an Easter restaurant but she had to explain it to us... "It has HOP in it, you know!"

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