So where was I? Oh, yeah. Thanksgiving. We went to MomMom's house. Uncle Mike's family was there as well as Uncle Scott and Uncle Bryan. The kids had fun playing and we celebrated Uncle Mike's birthday at Chuck E Cheese again.
We went to the Evansville Children's Museum. It was really quite nice, they had a traveling exhibit for the Magic Tree House books, which Bubba loves, so it was fun to play out the story themselves.
So, What else. December. I'll let the pictures do the talking (since I'm having a hard time remembering!)
Pictures with Santa at school, Huck would not even go near him |
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer watching party
Pictures with Santa at school, Huck would have NOTHING to do with him!
Cookie decorating, we started a tradition of delivering homemade treat to some of out neighbors.
Hope the neighbors like sprinkles!
Christmas Eve
Headed to church
cookies for Santa
sleep over in Mom and Dad's room!
His most favorite gift, we couldn't get him to come out to open any other gifts!
A BIG bike!
Barbie Dream house, I'm a little jealous
He was mad we made him get out of the car...
Dressed himself to go outside, Daddy's shoes, Mommy's scarf
New covers for his toddler bed!
A surprise snowstorm the day after Christmas, Huck was not too thrilled with it. Too cold!
Bubba, on the other hand, loved it. He played outside for a long time with one of our new neighbors.
Dutch was kind of in the middle. She did not like the cold but did not want to be left out
of the fun Bubba and the neighbor were having.
One supper exciting thing that happened the end of the month was that we had TWO new families move in, one right next door and one across the street. Both families have 2 kids each, 8 year-old daughters and 3-4 year-old sons. And one has a baby on the way :-) So, so, so very happy to have kids close by! It is so fun for the kids to be able to just go knock on the door to see if the kids want to come out and play. So far everyone as gotten along well even though the genders/ ages don't match up with my kids.
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