Bubba- ham, white cheese, and SPINACH on a (whole wheat) pita
Dutch- ham and cheese on a pita with a little bowl of hummus on the side for dipping
I also gave them both carrot sticks and whole wheat pretzels for dipping in the hummus. Their lunch boxes were empty when they came home. So far we have followed most of out rules. I didn't have fruit with breakfast yesterday because I ate oatmeal at work since I had to be there so early. Last night the Hubby made us a great whole foods dinner- steak tacos with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and cheese on corn tortillas. He bought us corn tortillas even though he used flour tortillas for himself
:-) I have realized I'm going to need to buy a whole lot more hummus! My kids are gobbling it!
So, how about some updates on the kiddos? Let's go youngest to oldest.
Huck- My baby is turning into a big kid. He is in constant motion and insists on being included with the big kids. He loves to play in the backyard, loves to climb the playhouse, swing, run around and follow the big kids. He loves playing ball and is starting to play more with blocks, both the big cardboard blocks and the Duplos. He still plays in the play kitchen a lot. Sometime soon we'll get out the tool bench and tools for him, I think he'll love it. He'll sit still a little more for books but we still have to turn the pages pretty quickly. He loves Veggie Tales and we have trouble getting him to leave the DVDs in their cases.
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He got himself ready to go out in the snow dusting |
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Put on his own make-up to go to the Cub Scout Banquet |
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Reminds me of a birth ball! Only a doula would think that :-) |
We really have to watch him because he has figured out he can reach whatever he wants if he stands on a stool. So if I put something up on the counter away from him, he'll just go get one of the new kitchen stools, move it where ever he wants and climb up to get it. And he takes the stools all over the house- bathroom, playroom, bedroom...
He is still nursing and not looking like he is interested in weaning at all. He nurses before naps and/bed and whenever he suffers an "injury," either physical or emotional. Some days I think he survives on air and breast milk because he eats so little, but the next day he out eats us all. Typical toddler!
He goes to bed in his own toddler bed most nights. He doesn't stay there all night, but it is a start!
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Is there anything sweeter??? |
Dutch- Is reading! She really is doing well with it. She sounds out words, looks at the pictures for clues and uses the sentence to get the context. She is very proud of herself! We do book reports every week and she can do it by herself now. It's fun to see her blossoming, she is more comfortable at school and not quite as shy. It's fun to see her with her friends before and after school. Today is the 100th day of school and the big kindergarten celebration is on Friday.
I think she is sleeping better than she did before she had her tonsils out. She used to wake up almost nightly but now it is only 1-2 times a week. I don't hear her snore as much and when she does it more like loud breathing than actual snoring.
She was invited to a birthday dinner for a friend at The Magic Time Machine. It is a fun restaurant where all the servers dress up in different costumes.
She continues to love ballet and is learning the recital dance.
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Dutch and the Birthday Girl |

Bubba- His reading skills have "sky rocketed" according to his teacher. I agree. He is reading like crazy and we have to enforce lights-out or he'd stay up until midnight. Last night he read "Freddy in Peril" for 70 minutes. I don't know much about it except that it is about a hamster. It was given to us by a friend who's son loved the series. I am so happy that he enjoys reading! I was just listening to a NPR story about how much of a difference having books in the house makes in a child's literacy. We definitely have a lot of books around here!
I am seeing the influence of his peers more and more. Which is good and bad. Some of the good things- he asked me to buy more blueberries because James told him blueberries help you to focus more and Dylan told him spinach is good. The bad: Magic game cards and talk about The Hobbit and playing zombies...
He had the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet this past weekend. It was at the Boy Scout museum so that means there were roughly 70 boys running wild around the museum. They played zombies... They have a desert contest and he won for Most Creative Use of Marshmallows- he made Indoor S'mores which are a marshmallow dipped in chocolate and rolled in graham cracker crumbs. So not whole foods...But he won a Cub Scout water bottle and was very proud of himself!
We had a beautiful weekend and the kids spent much of it in the backyard. Some of the games I heard being played- mountain climbers, super heroes, cowboys, and army men (and girls). There were lots of costume changes and props involved. We had a school friend over Friday afternoon and neighbors Sunday afternoon. Love it! We also had a picnic lunch on Sunday. And painted MomMom birthday pictures.
We decided to take the kitchen table out and eat all of our meals in the dinning room. The kitchen table is not really big enough for 5 of us anyway, so we moved it into the playroom. One of my biggest "clutter" problems was the end of the kitchen counter so we decided to add more storage. We put in a long desk and a really big cabinet from Ikea. The kids sometimes eat breakfast at the desk and both the hubby and I will sit down there to do some work. It is working for us and the kitchen feels more open. Someday we'll update the cabinets, counter and floors...
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