Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What Happens When Mom is Sick...

What happens when Mom is sick?
Day 0
She wakes up in the middle of the night because her feet are freezing and can't figure out why the three layers of covers are not warming them up. It finally dawns on her that she must have a fever and that the sore throat she had yesterday is probably not from post-nasal drip as she had thought. So the Hubby helps her find the thermometer, rounds up some more covers, gets her some ice water and goes to sleep on the couch.

Day 1
In the morning the Hubby takes the daughter to school on his way to work leaving the two boys at home with Mom. The oldest boy is staying home from school because he has a doctor's appointment because he has a rash. The mom is pretty sure she has strep throat, so she spends probably 30 minutes trying to figure out the name of the doctor she saw 2 1/2 years ago when she had pneumonia, the only doctor she has seen (other than her OB) in maybe 10 years. When she finally figures it out after an extensive Google search, she learns she can not get into see that doctor until 3:00 PM. She decides this is unacceptable so she loads the oldest son/, the baby son and herself into the car and heads to the Minute Clinic at the CVS. They only wait for a few minutes and a nurse practitioner tests and determines is in fact strep throat. An antibiotic is prescribed and the gang is off to the son's appointment. When that is over, they hit the drive through because the idea of even making a sandwich is overwhelming to the mom. For good measure, she grabs a RedBox movie for the oldest son. Son watches movie while Mom and Baby sleep on the couch. Mom goes to pick up Daughter at school because Dad is stuck at work. Dad comes home, Mom goes back to bed, Dad makes dinner and puts big kids to bed.

Day 2
Mom rolls out of bed, feeds oldest son and drives him to school in her pajamas. Dad takes daughter to school on his way to work. Mom puts dishes in the dishwasher and puts diapers in the washer. She crashes on the couch while Baby plays with giant bin of Duplo Blocks. Mom and Baby take a nap on the couch. Mom goes to get Daughter from school and takes her to ballet. She sits in the car with Baby so as not to infect all the moms and siblings in the waiting room. Dad gets Big Brother from school. They order pizza for dinner, which does not feel that great on the throat...

Day 3
Mom is starting to feel better. Until she looks around the house.

The kitchen looks like this:

The laundry looks like this:

The playroom looks like this:

I think I'm going back to bed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Highs and Lows

Let's do the Lows first...

- We had some sickies last weekend. Bubba and Duchess were a bit under the weather, low grade fevers and sore throats. Bubba stayed home from school last Friday and camped out on the coach for the better part of two days. Duchess really only had one afternoon/evening that she was affected. I guesss how healthy they really are should be counted as a high- each have only had one antibiotic course in his/her lifetime.

- The lost cell phone! We went to see the Lion King in 3-D at Studio Movie Grill. The movie itself was a high, but my cell phone must have fallen out of the diaper bag in the theater. I realized it by the time we got to the car so we turned around and went right back in. Gone. In less than 5 minutes. And we were one of the last ones to leave the theater so I know it was an employee who took it. By the time we got home it was turned off and never to be seen by me again. I did have insurance so it was replaced quickly, but all the pictures and videos are gone. So many pictures gone!

- The dryer went on the fritz... I had to call the appliance repairman and it cost $250 to repair...

- It is TX vs OU weekend here in Dallas which means The Hubby left for work about 7 PM Friday night and got home about 6 AM Sunday morning. He said he slept for about 30 minutes sometime Friday night/ Saturday morning. Good for the bar, but hard for the Hubs...

But onto the Highs!

- I had a doula client deliver on Tuesday. This is the second child of her's that I have been privledged to help welcome to the world. And it was a beautiful birth. Mom did a wonderful job, it was calm, nothing unexpected happened, mom held her precious girl the moment she was born... Perfect!

- That same night the kids and I went to our neighborhood's National Night Out. It was so fun- they had bounce houses, a train, hotdogs, sno cones, a balloon artist, a petting zoo... We saw lots of friends and the kids ran around and around and around.

- My oldest brother is going to be published! He submitted a short story and heard this week that the publisher is planning to place it in an anthology! He has always enjoyed writing, but this was the first time he had actually submitted anything. The publisher told him it is extremely rare to get something accepted so quickly. No word yet on when it may be published as the publisher is still collecting stories. I'm so proud!

- Bubba got his first report card of the year. They use a number system instead of letters and he got all 4s, which is the equivilent of all As. We are very proud of him for that, but more proud of his character. Each child in class is supossed to keep a reading log of the time read at home. They have a little chart with clocks on it that is in their take home folder. One of his tablemates had no clocks colored and Bubba asked him why. He replied that he has no books at home. So Bubba came home and asked if he could give his friend some of his books because he has so many. He wanted to give his friend some of his Magic Tree House books since those are his favorite, but we are going to check with his teacher to see if maybe he should chose some lower reading level books. He has a generous heaart- earlier this year he gave away his pencil box to a classmate saying he couls use his from last year.

-Huck and Bubba had check-ups and both are healthy. Huck is trying more new foods- some he likes, some not so much. He is 20 pounds and 29 inches at 7 months! Bubba was embarresed about having to urinate in a cup. He said it was worse than a shot!

- We are looking forward to a visit from Grandma with the Spikey Hair. She is coming Halloween weekend to get a visit in before our house is torn apart!