Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Grow, Baby, Grow!

Little Huckleberry is still struggling with gaining weight. We had another visit with a Lactation Consultant today to learn how to use a Supplemental Nursing System, or SNS. It is a small bottle filled with expressed breast milk and a skinny little tube that goes into his mouth while he is at the breast. It allows him to get more milk into his tummy with the same amount of effort as nursing alone. He works so hard to eat that he tires himself out and burns a lot of calories or shuts down and falls asleep. The good news is that he had gained 2 oz since Wed, but he is still not having as many poopy diapers as he should. So we'll try the SNS over the weekend and hope he continues to gain and his diapers improve. I'll weigh him again on Mon and we see the pediatrician on Wed. If the SNS is not enough than the Lactation Consultant has some other tricks for us to try. I am so thankful that I have the connection with the LCs at Baylor. They have all been so kind and helpful to a tired, stressed-out Mama! I don't know what we'd do without them!

Duchess just can't leave Huck alone... She is always all over him- kissing him, hugging him, touching. Especially if I am holding him. Poor guy, at least she is being sweet. The stash of small toys and movies I bought before Huck was born has been very helpful! I thought Bubba was beginning to show a little less tolerance for the disruption in his life so we had an ice cream date yesterday. I took just him out to Sonic and he enjoyed it for about the first 20 minutes, then he started searching the car for toys to play with. If 20 minutes is all it takes to make him feel better than I am grateful!

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