Sleepovers are a much anticipated event at our house, especially by Duchess. You would think that it involved friends coming over, movies, popcorn... but, no. A sleepover is just the two kids getting to sleep in the same room on a non-school night. They are both trying to grasp the concept that a school night is one on which there is school the next day but not necessarily a day that they went to school. Sometimes they will share Bubba's bed, sometimes sleep in sleeping bags on the floor in Duchess's room, but they always laugh and talk for at least an hour after bedtime. The Hubby and I enjoy it because it usually means that we get them into bed with little fuss and few stall tactics. Duchess starts asking about when the next sleepover will be on Mondays.
Speaking of sleeping habits... Duchess has decided that she no longer wants to sleep in her crib. Not surprising since she is 3 1/2, but up until about a month ago she loved her crib. When we would ask her about a big girl bed she would say she didn't want one. But she has changed her mind, so for the last month or so she has been having a "camp out" and sleeps on the floor in her room in her princess sleeping bag with about 5 dolls. We are thinking that we will get her a toddler bed for now and when we are ready to move the two kids in together we will get them bunk beds.
Of course all sleep patterns are about to be thrown up in the air when this little one decides to join us... wonder if I'll remember how to do it with a newborn!
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