We left early Friday morning and stopped at a gator farm in Louisiana. Fun, but HOT, HOT, HOT.
Then we drove on to Gulfport, Mississippi and stopped for the night. After a very disappointing breakfast at Cracker Barrel, we made it to the Mobile Bay Ferry by lunch. And then we were there! This year we stayed in the same house as last year but on the other side of the duplex. It was nice and had everything we needed.
Bubba loved swimming in the ocean. He and Uncle Scott had a great time looking at all the underwater creatures through goggles. He got to drive his own go-cart and ride along on a big go-cart with Uncle Scott. He did awesome in the pool, too. He was a big help with all the younger kiddos.
Duchess also loved swimming, although her preference was for the pool. She did enjoy the beach and building sand castles with Aunt Sara and was not bothered by the sand like last year. I put sunblock on her every time we went outside, but she still got more tan every time. She definitely has her daddy's skin! We also celebrated her 4th birthday!
Huck did very well. He handled the long car ride pretty well- he was fussier on the way home but overall did well considering. He went to the beach, played in sand (ate some, of course), went in the ocean, went in the pool, played with Cousin Dillon, and got held by uncles, an aunt and Mom Mom. It sure was nice for Mommy to have all those extra hands around to help out - I went through withdrawal for the first few days home!
Last week was the first day of school for Bubba. Nothing but excitement from Bubba! Can't wait to hear about 1st grade!
And Duchess started today! What a quiet house I have!
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