Huck is 6 months-old tomorrow! He is so fun these days and is settling into more of a routine. He has learned a lot lately. He rolls all over the place and does not stay where you put him anymore. While I was putting away laundry this morning he rolled himself under the bed! He reaches and grabs for toys, transfers them from hand to hand, and puts everything straight into his mouth. He is starting to sit unsupported but still falls over pretty quickly. He is growing great- he is probably 18 pounds by now. He had some mashed bananas for the first time last week. He didn't hate them but didn't love them either. We'll try some cereal or sweet potatoes this week and see what he thinks about that. He is enjoying his "only child" time while the big kids are both in school...
Duchess is enjoying school. She is loving writing letters, meaning both letters like A,B,C and actual letters like "Dear Mom" type letters. I think it is mostly because big brother is doing it, but they also have a handwriting program at school. One of the teachers spends about 30 minutes a day doing a program called Handwriting Without Tears. I went to a meeting about it today and it sounds interesting. She is always asking us how to spell things. We've had to talk about where she can practice her letters, like NOT in library books and NOT on the furniture...
Bubba is thinking about joining Cub Scouts. There is a meeting tomorrow to learn more about it. He is doing great at school. He has his first test, a math one, tomorrow. He is reading so well. He seems to really enjoy school.
We are thinking about putting an addition on to our house. Most likely we will add a master suite but it is possible that instead we will enlarge our current bathroom and closet instead. The idea is exciting and scary all at the same time. We have found a contractor that we feel like we can trust. He lives in the neighborhood and his kids go to the same school. We are meeting with him today to get the low down on what to really expect with the process.
Football season has begun so that means our time with the Hubby is greatly reduced. It's tough on Bubba, especially, because Daddy is not home much on the weekends. I'm going to the Lamaze conference next weekend. It is just in Fort Worth so I'll be driving back and forth each day.
We use Handwriting Without Tears too, and Harper really likes it. I haven't started it with Hudson yet though. His interests run more Legos than letters.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Huck is already 6 months!!