Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bad Days and Good Days

I stole the title from Bubba. That is the title of his journal and the story of our lives...

So to recap the past few weeks...

Huck ate ant poison. Yup. He found a small square of cardboard with Tarro behind the oven that I had placed there at least a year ago. At least. Fortunately, the main ingredient in Tarro Ant Killer is Borax. According to Poison Control, the worst effects would most likely be an upset stomach but seeing as it was not fresh he would probably be fine. He was.

I saw the new Twilight movie with a friend. We went to Studio Movie Grill and had dinner while watching it. I enjoyed it. Yes it is unrealistic, no the acting is not great, but it was a night out with a good friend, so I'll take it!

Bubba threw up at school the Monday before Thanksgiving. Fortunately it was not in the middle of the classroom or he may have died of embarrassment. It did cause him to miss both the Thanksgiving Feast that afternoon and the Turkey Trot the following day. (Not the annual Dallas marathon, a "trot" around the neighborhood to collect can goods with the whole school.) He was fine after that one incident.

I got to meet the sweet newborn of a close friend the next day! I didn't get to snuggle due to aforementioned vomiting...

Bad: We had an emergency visit to the dentist for Duch. She did some type of spinning maneuver that resulted in a face plant on the kitchen floor. Lots of blood. She fractured the tooth root of her "bad" front tooth (the one she hit when she was two and was already grey) The other was loose but should firm back up.

The tooth did not need to be pulled.

We left for my mom's in Indiana on Thanksgiving day and the trip was uneventful. The Hubby stayed home for work. And to go to the Cowboys-Dolphins game.

The Dolphins lost.

Early Saturday morning Duch threw up. All over the carpet in the bedroom. Thanks, Mom, for cleaning up after her!

She only got sick once.

Hanging with 2 out of 3 of my brothers, sister-in-law and nephews. Watching the kids play together!

Late Sat night Bubba had mysterious stomach pain. No vomiting, no constipation, no opposite of constipation, just severe pain around his belly button and on his right side. I was convinced he had appendicitis. I was seriously considering taking him to the hospital in the middle of the night. I called the Hubby at 2:30 AM to see if I was crazy. But he fell asleep so I hovered near him on the couch until morning when he woke up fine as ever.

He did not, apparently, have appendicitis.

My mom made a yummy turkey dinner and we managed to get everyone seated at the table at the same time. 5 adults, 3 kids and 2 babies. Wonderful!

No one else got sick or hurt! We made it home safely! The two big kids slept on the plane ride home! Everyone is back to school and back into routine.

We are staying home for Christmas!

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