We attempted to get the required pumpkin patch pictures with moderate success. The hay on the ground was much more interesting that looking at the camera... On our way out the lady told us that the hay was treated with chemicals to keep the bugs away. Thanks.
We went to the Trunk-or-Treat event at a near-by church again this year. It was a fun, easy hour. We saw lots of little lions and lots of ninjas, but Duch was the one and only Strawberry Shortcake (although her best friend Lemon Merange was there.)
Halloween was fun. We started the night at a friends house for dinner and then headed back home for trick-or-treating. Our street was pretty active- lots of lights on and lots of kids out and about. The first house we went to was a bit traumatic for one member of the party. A little friend, Zoe, lives 2 doors down and her dad answered the door with a scary mask...
Luckily, she recovered after about 5 minutes of sobbing and soldered on to collect some good treats. I am impressed with our neighbors. No junk candy on Estate Lane! Lots peanut butter cups, chocolate and Skittles. Banana Daddy was a big hit. Everyone commented on it. Grandma with the Spiky Hair stayed home to pass out treats.
Late that night I was called out to the birth of a doula client. It was a long, hard one (22 hours for me, 27 hours for the mom) but a beautiful baby boy joined us in the world. And a few nights latter I got to snuggle that sweet little one and marvel at the miracle all over again.
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