Happy Easter! We had a fun family day today. Huck was kind enough to sleep well last night so Mommy got some good rest. He ate around 12:30 and slept until about 6:30. I woke up around 4 and was so confused- I couldn't figure out what time it was, where Huck was, when he had eaten last... when I got up to feed him at 6:30 I felt like I had slept forever! Bubba was up soon after Huck and the Duchess was not far behind him. The kids dug into their Easter baskets and that's when Bubba started getting a bit suspicious... the first comment was "Hey, I saw this at Target!" Then a little later he said "I'm starting to think the Easter Bunny didn't do this." When asked why he said "Because I got everything I liked." But then bought the Hubby's story that he thought he saw the Easter Bunny running away when he got home from work last night. I wonder how much longer it will last. He was extremely disappointed when he discovered the Bunny had only hid a few eggs outside.
But then the Hubby snuck around back and hid more and all was well.
After the egg hunt I made pastel pancakes- pink, green and blue. I was going to try to make them egg shaped but that did not work so well. We went to church at the Methodist church in our neighborhood- I thought it would be easier than dealing with the crowds at Watermark. It was easier but the did not have Sunday School for the kids because it was Easter so Bubba and Duchess were not thrilled to sit through church. They both thought the music was too loud. After church we had some lunch and played outside with new toys- bubbles and kites.
While the big kids played I tried to get some photos of Huck. A few cute ones and lots with his serious face. He is doing well, I believe. He is eating better although he still needs the supplementer. Nursing is more comfortable now although not pain-free. I believe it is due to his high soft palette and that it makes it harder for him to latch correctly. But we are getting there- much improved from a month ago!
I have a new nephew! Dillon James Quirk was born on 4-22-11 and he weighed 8 lbs 8 oz. Mom and Baby are doing well and big brother William thinks he is cute.

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