We actually made it out of the house to meet a friend for lunch today! It was a beautiful day and we sat out on the patio and had a great lunch. Huckleberry was a perfect little guy, slept and snuggled. Of course things didn't run completely smoothly behind the scenes... Duchess was supposed to go to school today, but we both slept in until 10! I thought I would take her late, but then realized by the time I got her fed and dressed, myself fed and dressed, and Huckleberry fed and changed most of the school day would be over, so she skipped school :-) I started getting ready at 10:30 by feeding Huckleberry, then pumped, got dressed, got the kids ready and got out of the house at about 12. Went to the chiropractor where all 3 of us got adjusted and headed to Erin's house to pick her up. By the time we got there it was time for Huckleberry to eat again. So we didn't make it to lunch until almost 2:00. Good thing we ate a late breakfast!
I mentioned that we went to the chiropractor. I have always believed in chiropractic care, but I have become a true devotee as of late. It all started with the displaced rib...once Autumn saved me from that horrible pain I was hooked. A few years ago I never would have thought that I would let my kids be adjusted, especially my newborn. But let me tell you, they all love it. Bubba has been as well. The two big kids climb right up on the table with no hesitation. Huckleberry lies there and either sleeps through it all or stares with big eyes up at Autumn and stays calm as can be. Huckleberry has a strong preference to turn his head to the right. After each adjustment I see him keeping his head midline or turned to the left more and more.
Huckleberry is doing better. He is gaining weight well and is more alert and awake. I can't believe that he is one month old already! The last month is a blur. I am still a little bit in shock that this month has been so rough. I never would have dreamed that my 3rd baby would be so different and need so much extra help just to eat. We are still using the supplementer with each feeding, but have been able to decrease the amount of milk in it. He is doing better with his latch and is making some more effort to transfer milk from the breast. I'm not sure when we'll be able to stop using the supplementer, but at least it is getting easier to use. We still struggle with it sometimes, but we have more good sessions than bad. It is a good thing he is so stinking cute and lovable :-)
Duchess is as strong willed as ever! She still refuses to even try to use the potty to go poop. Daddy bought her a big-girl bed as an incentive, but she continues to sleep in her sleeping bag on the floor. Poor Huckleberry has his big sister in his face allllll the time. I feel like a broken record saying "Back up, please. Give him some space, please." She loves to play in the back yard, specifically on the swing. She is doing a pretty good job of swinging herself and will swing by herself for up to 20 minutes. We are struggling with bedtime- she comes out of her room many times a night. A sticker chart did nothing- she couldn't care less if she doesn't earn her sticker. If fact, she has earned no stickers in the week and a half since we started it. Oh well.
Bubba is doing well. He has really been a great help with Huckleberry. He is really sweet to him and genuinely excited to see him and really wants Huck to acknowledge him in some way. School is going well. I can't believe some of the things he is learning. He brought home homework tonight that is fraction review. Fractions! In Kindergarten! It really is not quite as bad as it sounds- the questions were like color one half of the butterfly. But still, just to see the words Fraction Review on my 5 year-old's school papers threw me! His handwriting has improved so much and his spelling is so much more understandable. I found a paper in the playroom with a picture of a cat and this sentence. "a cat is sow pide I wont to have it But my mom is ulrgickt to cats." In case you don't understand Kindergarten-ese that is "A cat is so pretty I want to have it but my mom is allergic to cats." Kinda makes me want to get him a cat, but not really.
The Hubby is going on a trip to Mexico. His boss is rewarding some of his staff with a 3 day trip to Playa de Carmen, which is where he owns another bar. I'm trying to decide if I can handle the time alone with the 3 kids or if I am going to ask my mom to come help. He has been a big help while I have been focusing on Huck. He has made dinner every night he has been home, does grocery shopping, gets up to take Bubba to school. I'm lucky to have him.
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