Life is about to get crazier around here and I don't want to forget any of those moments... or maybe I do!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Woo Hoo!

Huckleberry saw the doctor today and he has gained 9.5 oz since last Wed! So now he is up to 8 lbs 7.6 oz. And yes, we are counting the .6 of an ounce. That means he is only 4 oz away from his birth weight. The pedi wants us to continue with what we have been doing for another week. So that means I'll still be pumping after every feeding and giving him 2 oz of expressed milk in the supplemental nurser... Not looking forward to all that pumping because it makes each feeding longer, but if that is what it takes to keep him gaining I can hang in there for another week. He is waking himself up to eat now and does so about every 3 hours which is good. He also has some really good awake times when he just looks around at everything. His color is much better now, too. I am so relieved that he seems to have figured every thing out!

Grandma took the big kids to see the movie Hop yesterday. Bubba said it was "awesome!" I'm a little jealous, but the shower and nap I had while they were gone were much more valuable at this time :-) Maybe we'll see it again when it is at the dollar theater. Grandma goes home tomorrow so I'll be on my own much of the time with the 3 kids for the first time.

The Hubby has to work every night this week so bedtime should be interesting. I'm starting a sticker chart for the Duchess. If she stays in her room after she is tucked in she can earn a sticker in the morning. After 5 stickers, she'll be able to earn a reward. I'm hoping this will cut down on the number of times she gets up. Bubba has done a great job adapting to the restrictions that taking care of the baby have put on me, but the one thing he insists on is that I tuck him into bed at night. He has his little routine where he picks a number from 1-10 for the number of hugs, kisses and "I love yous" he gets. He is growing out of so many things that I am glad he still needs his Mommy to tuck him in.

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