Grandma took the big kids to see the movie Hop yesterday. Bubba said it was "awesome!" I'm a little jealous, but the shower and nap I had while they were gone were much more valuable at this time :-) Maybe we'll see it again when it is at the dollar theater. Grandma goes home tomorrow so I'll be on my own much of the time with the 3 kids for the first time.
The Hubby has to work every night this week so bedtime should be interesting. I'm starting a sticker chart for the Duchess. If she stays in her room after she is tucked in she can earn a sticker in the morning. After 5 stickers, she'll be able to earn a reward. I'm hoping this will cut down on the number of times she gets up. Bubba has done a great job adapting to the restrictions that taking care of the baby have put on me, but the one thing he insists on is that I tuck him into bed at night. He has his little routine where he picks a number from 1-10 for the number of hugs, kisses and "I love yous" he gets. He is growing out of so many things that I am glad he still needs his Mommy to tuck him in.
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